
Calibration Services

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Is your equipment ACCURATE?

Making bad parts can cost you time, money & customers.

A Ballbar is a linear displacement sensor-based tool that provides a straightforward and rapid check of a CNC machine tool’s positioning accuracy. The measured results allow our trained Field Service Engineers to benchmark and track the performance of your equipment. It also provides results to quickly diagnose problems that require maintenance attention.

Why use a Ballbar?

  • Ballbar testing allows you to evaluate the condition of your machine

  • Knowing a machine tool’s capabilities before machining can greatly reduce the potential for scrap

  • Ballbar testing and certification can help you gain your customer's confidence

  • Quarterly/Annual testing provides historical data, aiding in determining possible failure points

Ballbar Laser Interferometry

Laser Interferometry

Laser interferometry allows even more precision and repeatability to be measured. This tool can verify linear positioning as well as geometric errors like pitch, roll, and yaw in a machine tool. It is also the only way to measure rotary axes positioning and accuracy. To best optimize your equipment’s potential and performance, calibration is the key.

How often should equipment be tested? 

The answer, of course, depends on your specific situation. The frequency of testing depends on machine usage, including hours of operation and the type of work the machine is doing. Typically companies should test quarterly/annually, depending on the tolerances of their work. To ensure your CNC machine is always meeting your customer’s tolerances, it is important you schedule regular calibrations. Tested at a new installation, provides a baseline for future results. If a machine is crashed it should be re-tested immediately to determine if any damage has been done to the machine. 

Performing calibration can also provide you with the documentation you need for your machine tool certification requirements, increase your product quality, and MAKE MORE.

Testing Equipment

Make sure your machines are tested to provide their best performance.

Ellison Technologies Field Service Engineers will analyze the data and diagnose specific machine error characteristics and can perform the maintenance to correct these errors. A PDF copy of the results will be supplied with the work order.

Customized Service Packages Available

We offer customized service packages based on your individual shop's needs. Our service account experts will look at your service history to determine the right plan for you. Check out our additional services which can be included.