Solidworks Simulation

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Software

What is SOLIDWORKS Simulation?

SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE Works Simulation offer a range of integrated analysis tools for designers, engineers, and analysts. These tools include structural analysis, computational fluid dynamics, injection molding simulation, and advanced cloud-enabled capabilities that are powered by Abaqus

Engineers from Around the World Succeed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard


Simulation Standard

Give your engineers the tools to know if their products will perform properly and how long they’ll last. The Trend Tracker capability and Design Insight plot enable designers to highlight optimal design changes while they work.


  • Design Comparison with Parametric Simulation: Determine the best design option by comparing strengths, design life and weight 
  • Time Based Mechanism 
  • Simulation Fatigue Simulation: Evaluate the consumed life of a design submitted to repeated loading
Simulation Professional


Simulation Professional

Determine product mechanical resistance, durability, and natural frequencies. Test heat transfer and buckling instabilities. Conduct pressure vessel analysis and complex loading. Optimize products for weight, vibration, or instability based on a range of physical and geometrical parameters.


  • Design
  • Structural
  • Frequency Analysis
  • Pressure Vessel Design 
  • Drop Test 
  • Vibration 
  • Fatigue
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium


Simulation Premium

Evaluate your designs for nonlinear and dynamic response, dynamic loading, and composite materials. Gain valuable insights to improve product reliability in the most cost effective manner, no matter the material or environment.


  • Composite Components 
  • Plastic Deformation and Residual Stresses 
  • Frequency 
  • Vibration 
  • Drop Test 
  • Structural


Find the Best Solution for Your Needs 

See Which SOLIDWORKS Simulation Package is Right for You.



Built on industry-leading Abaqus technology, 3DEXPERIENCE Works Simulation gives novices and experts alike the power to perform complex linear and non-linear analyses to validate product designs and make better-informed product decisions faster. Being part of the cloud-based 3DEXPERIENCE Works portfolio means any engineer can easily access advanced simulation without the need for expensive hardware. An added benefit is faster product delivery, thanks to real-time collaboration and data sharing capabilities.

First Look - 3DEXPERIENCE Works Simulation

Simulation that Scales to Your Needs

Connect Simuliaworks


  • Maintain continuity with SOLIDWORKS data and workflows 
  • Reduce investments in hardware and IT infrastructure 
  • Choose the simulation solution that scales to your project needs
Simulation Can 5


  • Conduct analyses with proven and scalable 
  • Abaqus technology Leverage implicit and explicit solvers for linear and non-linear analysis, static and dynamic events 
  • Create high quality meshes and solve complex simulations such as drop test and impact
Collab Simuliaworks


  • Share status and results with your team to make design decisions faster 
  • Access and visualize 3D simulation results from anywhere with a web browser 
  • Save, manage and iterate on your projects from any browser

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