

Here to Help you MAKE MORE 

Ellison Technologies’ new webinar series, ChipChat, is dedicated to giving manufacturers the knowledge to MAKE MORE parts, time, and money for their shop. Covering a wide range of technologies and topics from programming to additive manufacturing, the ChipChat webinar series provides valuable information to show manufacturers ways to be more productive, efficient, and competitive.

ChipChat: Is There a Cobot in my Future?

Is There a Cobot in my Future?

Cobot = Collaborative Robot - A look at how cobots are quickly changing the manufacturing world. We'll provide an in-depth review of cobots, applications, and actual implementations. If you are looking to increase operator span of control, improve OEE, and get more done in a day, you will not want to miss this enlightening review.

ChipChat: Understanding Costs and Maximizing Profits on your Wire EDM

Understanding Costs and Maximizing Profits on Your Wire EDM

Isn’t it a relief to have an asset fully paid and contributing to the shop with no monthly burden? But is this asset really contributing to your bottom line as it should? We will analyze the costs associated with using Wire EDM as a manufacturing option, the key factors that drive these costs, and how to maximize your profits by understanding key technology improvements that can help you make more money!

ChipChat: Expand Into Five – Introducing 5 axis Technology into your Business

Expand Into Five – Introducing 5-axis Technology into your Business

Numerous vertical machining centers, the same number of operators, a variety of fixtures, probing cycles, flipping parts, losing time and accuracies, slim margins… Sound familiar? We will walk you through the steps needed to integrate your first 5-axis, understanding machine style selection, and an overview of how profitability and productivity will be significantly improved.

ChipChat: No Burr Left Behind

No Burr Left Behind

Deburring - one of the last remaining wastes we commonly see at many companies today. We will take a comprehensive look at eliminating, reducing, and automation of burrs. Join us for this enlightening look at the many ways to attack the waste of burrs and the positive effect you can have on your processes and bottom line.

ChipChat: Industry 4.0 - A Digital Transformation to World Class Manufacturing

Industry 4.0 - A Digital Transformation to World Class Manufacturing

Join us as we delve into the topic of Industry 4.0 and the journey towards achieving world-class excellence; where to start, what to watch out for, and what are the next steps for your organization. This has been a popular topic for organizations and industries as we continue to see new tools and technologies taking advantage of the “internet of things”.

ChipChat: Applying Additive Manufacturing to Optimize Your Go To Market Timeline

Applying Additive Manufacturing to Optimize Your Go-To-Market Timeline

World Class Manufacturers understand that Metal Additive Manufacturing is no longer confined to R&D labs. What key things do you need to know to make this technology successful in your current production environment? Attend this webinar and we’ll help educate you on metal additive technology, the key elements to consider in making metal additive parts and integrating additive into your metal subtractive operation.

ChipChat: Done In One

Done In One

As we look to the horizon we are seeing reshoring of product, supply chain consolidation, and a continued slowdown in Oil and Aerospace. Now is the time to challenge your status quo and look at more efficient methods of manufacturing. We will walk you through removing waste and process steps in your organization through the utilization of multi-axis manufacturing solutions that will lead you to MAKE MORE parts efficiently.

ChipChat: The Journey of a Part Through Manufacturing Excellence

The Journey of a Part Through Manufacturing Excellence

Looking to increase your productivity? Join us as we take you through the Journey of a Part. From one-off prototyping to full production; you’ll learn how to gear up your shop for manufacturing excellence through technology, programming, tooling and workholding

ChipChat: VMC vs HMC


Do your VMCs run at 80% utilization? On average, VMC utilization is less than 30%, as measured by spindle run time; whereas, HMC utilization is routinely at 80% or higher. Join us as we breakdown the difference between VMC vs. HMC and how you can MAKE MORE MONEY.

ChipChat: Beyond Covid 19

Beyond Covid-19

Is your shop ready to MAKE MORE beyond COVID-19?

Join us as we sit down with industry experts to look at the state of the U.S. manufacturing and machining markets and share ways to achieve World Class Manufacturing Excellence in the coming years.

ChipChat: Reshoring – MAKE MORE by Bringing Manufacturing Home

Reshoring - MAKE MORE by Bringing Manufacturing Home

Now more than ever it’s clear; shorter supply chains are stronger and more competitive for the country. In this Chip Chat session, we’ll show how you and your customers will be more profitable when buying locally 20 to 40% of products currently imported.

ChipChat: Diversifying your Machining Portfolio with Large Platform Machines

Diversifying your Machining Portfolio with Large Platform Machines

We are discussing opportunities to expand your machining capabilities to MAKE MORE and separate yourself from the masses.