
Horizontal Turning Centers

We provide our customers with an extremely wide range of sizes and configurations of CNC Lathes including Two-Axis, Four-Axis, Sub-Spindle, Twin Spindle, Swiss and Multi-Spindle, many of which offer industry leading live tool technology. Whether your requirements be for bar, shaft or chucking work in quantities of 1 or 1,000,000 chances are we have the right turning platform for your specific application.

DN Solutions has a proven record of successful machine installations in the U.S. market for over 30 years. It offers a diversified product line, with choices ranging from small lathes and mills to heavy duty machining centers to very large double column and boring mills.

DNS Lynx 2100

Lynx Series

Compact turning centers with a diverse line-up of configurations to meet a wide variety of machining requirements.
DN Solutions PUMA 2600SY II CNC Machine

PUMA Series

DN Solutions signature line of high performance turning centers with options to meet any requirement.


Heavy duty global standard class turning center with best-in-class spindle and machining area.